What Body Builders should eat

A body builder does not only need to work out extensively they also need to eat well. There is need to concentrate on the right kinds of foods that will enable you to bulk up. The best thing to start with in the morning are egg whites. You can also enjoy some steak later on.


Show us a bodybuilder without egg whites in his diet, and we’ll show you someone who’s missing out on the best protein money can buy. Paired with oatmeal, an egg-white omelet can turn your breakfast into a power meal to fuel the rest of your day.


Chicken breast may be the quintessential bodybuilding staple, but lean cuts of red meat are loaded with complete protein and pack the most punch when you’re trying to pack more beef on your frame.

Sourced from: http://www.flexonline.com/nutrition/7-best-bodybuilding-foods


Proteins are everything when it comes to body building and so fish and beans should be included in the diet. Fish also are a source of vital omega 3 oils


Although the recurring theme so far has been to eat foods that are low in fat, fish is one exception to this rule. Of course you want to stay away from saturated and trans fats, but your body still needs essential fatty acids such as omega-3 to help support the muscle-building process.

Cold water fish such as salmon, tuna, trout and sardines are an excellent source of protein and healthy fats. Canned fish packed in water also comes in very handy because it provides a quick source of protein when on the go.


If you are serious about building muscle, you can’t ignore the power of beans and legumes. When people typically think of bodybuilding foods, they immediately refer to various lean meats, but what they don’t realize is that the bean is a delicious and highly nutritious source of protein and fiber.

Fiber is essential to maintaining a regular and normal healthy bowel movement as well as proper insulin response – which is critical to muscle growth as both functions aid in absorption and use of various nutrients and supplements ingested by bodybuilders.

Sourced from: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/musclebuilding_essentials.htm

You might know what it is you need to eat but maybe you simply do not know how to go about it. You need to know what you should have for breakfast, lunch and supper. It is only when you get it right that your body building efforts can be effective.


150ml 35% whipping cream (60g fat, 0g protein, 0g carbs)

3-6 whole eggs – raw – (15-30g fat, 18-36g protein, 2-4g carbs)

Low-carb metabolic drive powder – 1 scoop (2g fat, 20g protein, 3g carbs)

TOTAL: 77-107g fat, 38-58g protein, 5-7g carbs


Lean turkey 175g (1g fat, 30g protein, 0g carbs)

Flameout 6 caps (6g fat, 0g protein, 0g carbs)

TOTAL: 7g fat, 30g protein, 0g carbs


Chicken 175g (6g fat, 25g protein, 0g carbs)

Flameout 6 caps (6g fat, 0g protein, 0g carbs)

TOTAL: 12g fat, 25g protein, 0g carbs

Sourced from: http://www.precisionnutrition.com/get-bodybuild-style-lean-thibaudeau